ACROSS WORLDS creates Highest Common Denominator

in a world of colliding cultures, conflicting histories, and insufficient communication…

ACROSS WORLDS - Cross-Cultural Communication through Adventure
In a perfect world, we all enter “created equal”.  In a real world, this is hardly the case. Cultural differences have become more visible and tangible, as globalization and technology have made the four corners of the world accessible at the press of a button.


One of the key messages of ACROSS WORLDS is when opposing voices take time to find the HIGHEST COMMON DENOMINATOR (HCD), it’s amazing what good can result. But as simple as it sounds, the most difficult HCD platform to realize is what we call “THE 360 CONVERSATION”— communication at its purest, unadulterated form.  Two-way dialogue.






Open today’s headlines–The Syrian Crisis is a prime example of this challenge to achieve “HCD”.


Russian President Vladimir Putin’s now famous New York Time’s Op-Ed article leads off by positioning the Syrian Crisis as one “at a time of insufficient communication between our societies”.




It is stories like the Syrian Crisis dominating media headlines that brought Alepho Deng, Dr. Jeff Salz and I to create ACROSS WORLDS two years ago–in part because we felt frustrated with the inability of conflicting cultures and their leaders to have productive, meaningful two-way dialogue.  Our mission is to provide an engaging platform to establish and understand how people from different cultures communicate with each other.


DR. JEFF SALZ’s tales of growing up in 1950’s New Jersey and the glaciers of South America’s Patagonian Ice Cap, are interwoven with ALEPHO DENG’s memories of life in an idyllic Africa, unchanged for centuries, before being suddenly swallowed up by gunfire, bombs and starvation. His remarkable story is one of loss, endurance, a thousand mile trek across war-torn Africa and a journey to a place called America.  For Alepho Deng, it was as foreign as waking up in the midst of real life drama of Orson Welles epic thriller, War of the Worlds.


The true message and value for audiences of all kinds, is this unique and uplifting experience captures the profound bond that can result when two distinctly opposites engage with a singular purpose-the creation of two-way dialogue that rises above cultural differences, conflicting pasts, and communication barriers.


Make a difference within your organization, and perhaps the world.  For your next event, please consider ACROSS WORLDS, this powerfully uplifting and surprising true story of two adventurous lives: an American mountain-climber and a LOST BOY OF SUDAN.  


Our programs include a multi-media keynote lecture presentation, and team-building workshops and training programs.


This experience is a delightful engagement filled with drama, entertainment and an uplifting vision of humanity that will remain with you long after you leave the venue.  In fact, it may change the way you view the world and how you choose to live within it.